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Parse off-chain metadata in ton blockchain

/ 1 min read

To convert the hex code that you can get from a ton explorer like: tonviewr when visiting an NFT page on methods tab click on get_nft_data methode and execute.

Parse NFT individual content in ton blockchain

Prasing off-chain metadata using Typescript

import { Cell } from "@ton/ton";
async function parseBocAndExtractContent(bocString: string) {
try {
// Convert the hex string to a Buffer
const buffer = Buffer.from(bocString, 'hex');
// Create a Cell from the Buffer
const bocCell = Cell.fromBoc(buffer)[0];
// Begin parsing the cell
const slice = bocCell.beginParse();
// Load the content as a string
const content = slice.loadStringTail();
return content;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error parsing BOC:", error);
return null;
// Example usage:
const bocString = "b5ee9c7201010101004400008468747470733a2f2f73746f726167652e6f6e746f6e2e6c6976652f6f6e746f6e2f576d6d65595f313732363331383738393533395f6d657461646174612e6a736f6e";
.then(content => {
console.log("Extracted content:", content);
.catch(error => {
console.error("Error:", error);